
2011: The year the NBA playoffs were so good, I couldn’t stop myself from writing about it every two seconds. And, as you can only say so much through Facebook status updates, I ended up here. (The blog name is a hopefully-not-copyright-infringing homage to Bill Simmons, one of my personal heroes, who originally called himself the Boston Sports Guy.)

I generally despise man-on-the-street interviews and all other “Let’s see what America thinks!” news segments, which is essentially what everything I put on here is going to be. But when it comes to sports … do the pundits (ex-players and ex-coaches aside) REALLY know that much more about what’s going on than anyone else who closely follows the games? As Bill Clinton* once said while judging a cankle contest on “Family Guy,” “Who knows? That’s the fun.”

* Wasn’t really Bill Clinton. And now I’m stealing Joe Posnanski’s schtick. I’ve ripped off my two favorite sports commentators in one post. Better end it before things get ugly.